BLOG - Business Skills


Mentoring and Coaching in Project Management

What is the difference between Mentoring and Coaching? How much time – and over what timescales does a relationship last? What else do I need to invest – other than time? How will I know that it is making a... Leggi...


4 Essential Habits To Becoming a More Emotionally Intelligent Leader

What can you do to get better at understanding your emotions and at using them to lead your team? Leggi...


Getting Started with Emotional Intelligence in Project Management

Why is Emotional Intelligence important? Before we look at what Emotional Intelligence (EI) is, let’s first consider the reasons why it’s important. Several studies show that Emotional Intelligence is the single biggest predictor of personal and professional success. What this... Leggi...


Budgeting for Project Scope Change

Managing change is one the most difficult areas of project management. Hardly do you find a project not affected by change. The success of your project delivery depends to a larger extent on the effectiveness of the organisation’s change control... Leggi...


How To Manage A Team Member Through A Project

You’re familiar with the project lifecycle, but have you ever thought about the lifecycle as it maps to people? Yes, project team members have a lifecycle too: the project resource lifecycle. Leggi...


Top Three Things Project Managers Need Coaching On

Let me first stress that I find project managers pretty remarkable and courageous people. Being a project manager isn’t an easy job. Projects need to be delivered on time, to cost, to the required quality AND deliver the expected benefits.... Leggi...


The Human Needs of a Project Team

What are the top human needs that drive people in your team? You are probably familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which is one of the most widely referenced motivational theories. In this post I have drawn from several resources... Leggi...


5 Ways To Engage Your Project Sponsor

Project managers are often in a position where their boss is someone several levels above them in the hierarchy and they don’t spend a lot of time with their actual line manager. You guessed it: I’m talking about working for... Leggi...


How Coaching Can Help Me as a Project Manager?

What is Coaching and how can you use it? Essentially, coaching is a way of helping others to make progress and overcome issues without directly telling them what to do. A fundamental belief in coaching is that people are resourceful... Leggi...


The Project Manager as a Coach

Most project managers who have received any training at all have undoubtedly heard about the need to delegate. As we cannot manage significant projects and perform all necessary tasks ourselves, delegation is an absolute must to expand one’s capabilities as... Leggi...